They need to understand the culture of the firm and what CU stands for, especially in Canberra. A know how about the firm and it’s place in the market will be essential
Graduate, Canberra - 13 Sep 2024
Best way to prepare is to personalise all of your answers whether it is written answers or interview answers. The firm wants to know you as a person and also wants to know what compelled you to apply to Clayton Utz.
Graduate, Sydney - 28 Aug 2024
I think the best way to prepare is to have a well-rounded CV that encapsulates you as a person, whether that's in extracurriculars, jobs or academia
Graduate, Sydney - 28 Aug 2024
Know the firm well, have good questions to ask.
Graduate, Sydney - 27 Aug 2024
Be aware of the general questions you could be asked. Have your personality come across through your answers.
Lawyer, Melbourne - 15 Jul 2024
Really take the time to read about the firm, and reflect on how your experience could be an asset.
Graduate, Sydney - 12 Jul 2024
Be authentic to yourself. Prepare by knowing your skills and how they would translate to working in a commercial law firm. Don't make skills or experience when it isnt truly there, harness your strengths and be confident in them.
Graduate, Sydney - 12 Jul 2024
Learn about the company and the people who work there as much as you can. Tailor your questions to account for that. Also, don't be afraid of asking questions to see if they provide what you want in an employer.
Graduate, Sydney - 10 Nov 2023
Try and speak to as many CU people as you can and get a real sense of the firm. Ask about what clerks/graduates do day-to-day and why they chose CU. Review CU's instagram, linkedin and website for more information.
Graduate, Melbourne - 10 Nov 2023
Learn about the Partner interviewing you and about the company.
Graduate, Brisbane - 20 Oct 2023
Do practice interviews with common interview questions, read news (legal and non-legal).
Graduate, Perth - 18 Oct 2023
I think that candidates should attend CU information sessions and understand what it is about the firm that is different from others e.g. it is an independent Australian law firm, allowing it to partner with the best suited law firms in other jurisdictions for a range of international matters. This was personally something that attracted me to Clayton Utz that was very different from the other big law firms. Other than that, I think that the process isn't too different from other standard application processes so just firm up your resume, practice the interview questions, have coffee with people working at the firm you meet through info sessions and so forth.
Graduate, Sydney - 17 Oct 2023
Attend firm events leading up to the application process and the interview. When doing cover letters, what firms say on their website is not really useful to put in cover letters and does not come across as genuine. Speak to people who work there and who can tell you about what the day to day is like and provide anecdotes etc., then leverage that insider knowledge in cover letters and interviews.
Graduate, Brisbane - 17 Oct 2023
Try and really understand why you would like to work at CU over other law firms
Graduate, Melbourne - 17 Oct 2023
My advice to candidates I have met with is to try and tie in your unique experiences where you can. You won't always have something personal for every response, but where you can show how something personal to you reflects the qualities/skills/values the firm is looking for, this can help you stand out and will often be a jumping off point for interviews.
Graduate, Melbourne - 17 Oct 2023
Know the culture of the company - fitting in is quite important and this means being personable and easy to deal with.
Graduate, Melbourne - 17 Oct 2023
By having experience they can speak about
Graduate, Perth - 17 Oct 2023
1. learn about company and people and what they do
2. network and catch up for coffee with people
3. be yourself
4. be open-minded and willing to try new things
Graduate, Brisbane - 16 Oct 2023
I would suggest candidates allow their individuality and personality shine through in their cover letter, as well as an honest desire to work at the particular firm as opposed to other law firms. I would recommend they practice mock interviews with a friend or colleague before hand.
Graduate, Sydney - 30 May 2016
Try to relax, be yourself and don't over-prepare. People notice when you come across as contrived. You only want to be part of an organisation that wants you for you.
Graduate, Melbourne - 25 May 2016